Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Below are the most commonly asked questions by our community members. If you have a question that is not listed below, feel free to reach out to us and we will do our best to help you.
Q. What does the Whitemud Ridge Homeowner's Association do?
A. The primary purpose of the Association is to fund aesthetic improvements in the high visibility areas of the neighborhood to a higher standard than those provided by the City of Edmonton. The Association is also reponsible for maintaining certain structures in the neighborhood as per a Maintenance Agreement between the Assocation and the City of Edmonton. For more details please refer to the "About Us" Section.
Q. Do I have to join the Whitemud Ridge Homeowners Association?
A. Membership in the WRHA is mandatory. Encumbrances were placed on title to ensure the WRHA would have the ability to collect annual fees allowing the Association to fulfill their objectives.
Q. How much are the annual fees and how can I pay them?
A. Please refer to Homeowner's Information page.
Q. Who is responsible for landscape maintenance?
A. All common areas in the neighborhood belong to and are maintained by the City of Edmonton. Please find below the map of City Maintained Areas. Homeowners are responsible for turf maintenance of all other areas including the boulevard space between the sidewalk and the street beside your home. Please call 311 and report any issues with City maintained areas. This is the best way to address issues and the more Homeowners that report issues the more timely it can get resolved. The WRHOA does not do turf maintenance in common areas since it is the responsibility of the City.
In the map, City maintained turf areas are in light green, City maintained horticulture beds are in yellow, and natural vegetation areas in darker/blue-ish green. The little flags represent city maintained litter containers and benches.
Q. Who is responsible for snow-clearing?
A. Snow-clearing on the public walkways is the sole responsibility of the City of Edmonton. If you have concerns in this area, please contact the city at 311. Homeowners are responsible for clearing the sidewalks in front of their home.
Q. What is the stain colour for the wooden fences?
A. The stain colour is Cloverdale Whitemud Ridge Fawn.
All fences are within the property lines of Homeowners and they are responsible for the repair and maintenance of all fencing around the perimeter of their home. The WRHOA does not have the authority nor obligation to fix fences on private property. The WRHOA will assist with the costs of repairing the fences in high visibility areas starting 2025. Please refer to the Fence Maintenance Policy in Rent Café.
We encourage homeowners to inspect their fences and perform the necessary repairs on a timely basis, before they become too costly. The stain colour used on wood fences throughout the neighbourhood is called CLOVERDALE WHITEMUD RIDGE FAWN. Residents can obtain the correct stain by asking for it by name at a Cloverdale store.

Roof Material/Colour Restrictions
Our neighbourhood is celebrating 20 years, which means many roofs have reached or will be exceeding their lifespan and thus requiring replacement, or at least repairs.
While the WRHOA has no restrictions in place relating to the roofing product, Homeowners are encouraged to use materials/aesthetics that compliment the existing palette of the community.